Visit us on Sundays at 10 a.m. in person or online!
What can I expect?
We are a friendly community of people who are eager to worship God together. Members of our welcome team will greet you at the door. They will be happy to give you direction and answer any questions you might have.
We invite you to experience a gathering of people where you can engage in your faith journey in an authentic way.
When and where is worship held?
We meet in person each Sunday for worship at 10 a.m.
On the first Sunday of the month, we provide a more-traditional type of service with congregational readings, hymns, and sometimes a choir.
On the other Sundays, we provide a contemporary type of service with a worship band.
We also provide online worship via Facebook. View our live services.
What happens?
In each service, we follow these practices:
Worship through music
Prayer, both silent and spoken
Reading of God’s Word
Biblically based preaching
Tithes and Offering
Monthly practice of communion
Where is the church located?
We are in Greenwood, just south of Indianapolis.
We are conveniently located for communities, including Bargersville, Mooresville, Franklin, Whiteland, and White River Township.
Our address is 2340 S. State Road 135, Greenwood, IN 46143
Where’s the front door?
It’s actually on the back of the building, which is also where our main parking lot is located. It’s just hard to see when you’re driving up.
Come on in!