Our Adult Ministry curriculum is about transforming us into disciples.
Sunday School
Sunday morning after worship service there are adult education classes offered to help you deepen your faith and grow in your relationship with the Lord.
Family Hope
Center Grove Church partners with Family Hope, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing support to families who are in crisis.
Why Groups?
God created us to thrive together in community. He came to save and invite us into his family, not leave us alone. Groups offer a community of brothers and sisters that build each other up in love and faith.
Find a group you can connect with.
Are you looking for a group of men that you can pray, study, and discuss men’s issues with? Ask about our Men’s group! They meet on the second, third, and fourth Saturday mornings each month.
If you are seeking a group of women who care deeply about discipleship and are passionate about supporting fellow sisters in Christ, our Women’s groups might be what you are looking for! We have morning and evening opportunities.
Sacred Space is a group that gathers weekly with the desire to pursue discipleship through spiritual practices that foster transformation into the image of Jesus Christ. New and time-honored practices are learned, experienced and discussed. All adults are welcome to join us Tuesday evenings.
L3 Groups are small groups reimagined at CGC. These are groups that gather for a time of friendship, study, and service that we call: Loving, Learning, and Leading.
Loving- is an opening time of connecting and sharing about our lives, including where we think God is at work, prayer requests, and prayer.
Learning- involves a time of study and discussion that aligns with the current sermon series and uses discussion questions generated by the pastor who delivered the message that particular week.
Leading- happens as we discuss how to live out our learning in practical ways in our lives as well as through occasional service together with our L3 groups and other groups.
EnneaCircles is a group of individuals who learn, discuss and apply aspects of the Enneagram to their lives for purposes of spiritual and personal growth and transformation. Some prior knowledge of the Enneagram will be helpful to get the most out of these meetings. It is suggested, but not required, that participants attend an Enneagram workshop offered at CGC. EnneaCircles meets the first Thursday of every month.