Next steps
There are so many ways to get involved in the life of the church both inside and outside our doors. We invite you to consider where God is inviting you to serve.
Who is Jesus?
There are so many cultural assumptions made about Christianity and Jesus. Perhaps, your experience with Jesus and Christianity is a negative one. Maybe you have never really heard the “gospel” and who Jesus really was.
The “gospel” means “the good news that has been announced”. This “good news” fundamentally sets Christianity apart from religious messages. Religion says “just be a good enough person and God will bless you.”
The religious message leaves us in chains to our own brokenness. It leaves us in the darkness wondering where God is and why he never seems to show up when we need Him most. We are so lost and broken that we cannot find God or fix ourselves on our own, so God has to come find and save us.
In order to do that he became a man named Jesus. He lived the life we are supposed to live by doing no wrong. He upheld the laws of God perfectly and having done so he credits his righteousness to those who call on his name and love him.
Jesus went even further when he willingly took our punishment upon himself. We are imperfect due to our rebellion against God, we deserve punishment for that rebellion. Jesus loves us so much that he took our place on the cross even though he never did anything wrong. His death on the cross separated him from God the Father. When he rose three days later from the tomb he demonstrated that death no longer had hold on him, nor any who entrust their lives and hearts to him.
Through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus we are reunited with God. This means we don’t have to rely on our own efforts to be a good enough person to receive God. Even the sincerity and quality of our faith doesn’t save us. Rather, it is the quality of the One in whom we place our faith that saves us. Jesus.
Jesus came to Earth to break our chains, redeem our brokenness, and bring us back to God. He freely offers us adoption into the family of God through grace. When this grace takes root in our hearts our lives will be transformed through its power. This love and grace frees us from seeking God’s approval through our own effort. Now, we are free to love him out of gratitude and joy. Our “good deeds” are truly good because they are motivated by love and gratitude for what Jesus has done for us.
As we continue to grow and love God we gradually begin to live into the image of Jesus. Just as he served and loved a world that didn’t understand or love him back, so we are called to serve others and our world whether they believe like us or not. The love of Jesus will melt your heart and transform you in a way you could never have imagined.
We receive salvation through relationship with Jesus but this isn’t something that should be done lightly.
If you are hesitant to accept the free gift of salvation from Jesus we encourage you to ask one of our Pastors for guidance.
If you are ready to receive salvation and become a Christian, repentance must come first.
There must be an admission that you have been living as your own master and violating God’s laws. To repent means to ask God for forgiveness for the way you have been living and willingly turn towards him as the center of your new life.
Faith is the act of placing your trust in what has been done for you through Jesus. You no longer trust in your own effort for salvation. Now, you trust in Jesus for acceptance and salvation instead of yourself. The gift of grace is freely given through faith in Jesus and his effort.
“I know I am more lost and broken than I ever believed, but you say I am even more loved and desired than I ever thought possible. I know I have been living as my own master, trying to gain your approval by my own effort and merit. I no longer want to live for myself and my own desires. I am ready to receive new life in your name, living for to know and love you more. I have nothing to offer other than my heart and gratitude for what Jesus did for me on the cross. I place my trust in Jesus and ask to be accepted as your child in the name of Jesus.”
When you do all these things with a willing heart two things take place at once.
1) Your account is wiped clean and you are now a part of the family of God.
2) The Holy Spirit enters your heart and begins to transform into the image of Jesus.
What’s next?
Your new life is just beginning, it doesn’t stop after you have received salvation and the Holy Spirit. This will be a life-long process by which you continually pursue God’s heart and will for your life. This is done by reading God’s Word, prayer, worship, and joining a community of Christians who are personally invested in your discipleship and growth.
We are so excited that you are ready to begin your new life with Jesus. We hope you will join our community and discover the reality of Jesus’ resurrection in your life. We would love to talk to you about your journey and how you can get connected to our community at Center Grove Church.

Get Involved
There are so many ways to get involved in the life of the church both inside and outside our doors. We invite you to consider where God is inviting you to serve.
Center Grove partners with The Refuge, a faith-based community outreach center that is supported by local churches, organizations, businesses and individuals. You can get involved by donating needed items or by volunteering in any one of the many volunteer roles: front office assistance, workers during pantry hours, sorting and stocking donations, picking up donations. and general building maintenance.
Center Grove Church participates with local building projects in Johnson County
Center Grove Church opens its doors two evenings a month to serve a free meal to members of the community. Church members prepare and serve the meal and engage with the participants.
We host quarterly classes called “Connect and Commit” where you can learn about the beliefs of Center Grove church and get your questions answered. With the exception of our leadership teams, membership is not required to be an active participant in our ministries. However, if you desire to become a member of Center Grove Church, we ask that you participate in a Connect and Commit class.